The Project aims are to provide students with a way to learn how to use resources in sustainable way by integrating applied science and technology into classroom learning experiences.
The Project aims are to provide teachers and students with increased accessibility to scientific resources and promote an understanding of the role of energy in environment and to integrate concepts of sustainability into curriculum to make project-based learning focused on energies issues interdisciplinary and incorporated into learning requirements for different age groups.
The Project provide methods for students and teachers to begin in classroom projects that reaches out to become local community propjects that are shared globally with students and teachers, to develop relationships with educators around he network.
Our Project is focused on sharing practical information about planning and carrying out a research project investigation of energy sources, transformation and technology structures and mechanisms: characteristics, forces, motion and design, including the ue of models mobile exhibition units, and energy-education materials.
In every country the Project starts with gathering general data with a questionary about concumption of energy in student families and set up communication with the partner schoolsto compre the results between the countries.
In a second stage students will create instruments to prove, in asicentific way, that saving energy is possible uing renewable fonts.
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