This is a Comenius school partnerships. It is within the Comenius Action for multilateral school partnerships. Its title is: KNOLOAEN: CLIL ON LET'S KNOW HOW TO SAVE AND PRODUCE CLEAN ENERGY. It involves five different countries: Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey and Spain.
HOME Trailer, Global Premiere 5 June 2009 | |
Project Kaisei Mission Video | |
Father & Son Team's WED Video | |
Tena Kebena and Ginfle Cleaning Association Champions of the Earth 2009 - The association was created to celebrate the new generation of dynamic, passionate individuals and organizations around the world who are making a real difference for the environment. | |
Fragile Planet A 4 minute video on our global carbon footprint set to the music of "Fragile" by Sting. | |
Earth Hour A World Wildlife Fund (WWF) initiative, Earth Hour has the goal of motivating one billion people in more than 1000 cities around the world to switch off their lights for one hour on Saturday 28 March 2009. | |
Think Globally Act Locally | |
Fighting for Trees Element Climate Change Series follows the stories of five exceptional individuals who’ve decided to tackle climate change head on. - In this film we meet Bremley, who is fighting deforestation and desertification in his native Northeast India. | |
Midnight Sun Sunlabob Rural Energy is bringing energy to remote rural communities in Lao PDR, a country where just 48 per cent of the population has access to grid electricity, mostly in cities and town. | |
Power to the People Practical Action is working in Peru’s eastern Andes where 68 percent of the population- around 5 million people- do not have access to electricity. The Project makes use of the region’s vast potential for hydroelectricity | |
Greening UNEP UNEP is working together with UNON on greening the UN Gigiri compound in Nairobi, Kenya. | |
Near Zero The 'Near Zero Station' is one of the useful ways that the United Nations Office at Nairobi, Kenya, has set up to reduce the UN's impact on the local environment. Kenya is already struggling with solid waste pollution and the UN is leading the way through positive examples. | |
iWonder Have you ever wondered what you could do to change things around you? | |
Change the World Tunza Youth Advisory Council members encourage sustainable lifestyles in this video clip. | |
Inspiration Alex Lin's initiative on e-waste. | |
Eco-tips for Jeans Wear them at least 3 times - wash them in cold water - forget your dryer - no iron it’s much better | |
Commit to action You can meet diferent version in: [English] - [عربي] - [中文] - [Русский] - [Español] - [Français] |
As we become more and more aware that we may be using water at an unsustainable pace, the idea of water footprints—the amount of water an individual uses—is becoming more common. Water footprints can be hard to calculate, depending on how far up the chain of production you go, since everything you eat and buy used some water to produce (to feed cows for beef, for example, or to use in the factory that made your cell phone). With this transparency, we give you some examples of how much water is used in some of your daily activities, so that you can begin calculate your footprint and try to reduce your gallons.
To help put things in perspective, think about this: your standard trash barrel holds 32 gallons and a mid-sized passenger car—if pumped full of water—has room for a little more than 800 gallons. So, the difference in the amount of water it takes to produce a pound of chicken and a pound of beef is enough to fill almost two whole cars.